Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Innovator's Midset Part 1

I am reading the book Innovator's Mindset by George Couros.  It has been very interesting and a quick read up to this point.  So far I have finished part 1 of the book and want to reflect some.  At the end of each chapter Mr. Couros give a list of discussion topics.  I hope to offer my thoughts on one of these questions.

At the end of Chapter 1 Mr. Courus asks "What has changed in our world today that not only makes innovation easier to do, but necessary for our students?"

I am going to start with the necessary part.  For our students today so many things are different from when I went to school.  The internet and access to information being the first that comes to mind.  The pace of change has also increased which means the world we are preparing the students for could look very different from what we see now.  We need to be preparing our students to be able to adapt and change along with the world.

Innovation has been made easier by innovation.  The technologies that are available and at a decreasing cost has made it easier to innovate in the classroom.  In our case having access to Chromebooks and digital content has already encouraged our teachers to change what they do.  The devices provide access to the content and additional resources that allow teachers to be innovative.

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